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Monday, 21 October 2024 14:47

Folk Art & Culture project 5th Newsletter.

The fifth Newsletter of the European project Folk Art & Culture was published.

Monday, 21 October 2024 14:41

Folk Art & Culture project 4th Newsletter

The fourth Newsletter of the European project Folk Art & Culture was published.

Monday, 26 August 2024 11:01

Final Online Meeting

Partners met online for a last time to discuss the closing of the project and the finalization of the results. The consortium agreed on working collaboratively for the submission of the Final Report.

Monday, 15 July 2024 11:09

Multiplier Event in Italy

The Folk Art & Culture project multiplier event took place in the Chiostro di San Domenico of Bevagna, Umbria, on the 6th of July 2024. The event's main purpose was to present the Folk Art & Culture Project and its results, as well as to diffuse the project's impact in the local territory, history and culture.
During the event, teachers had the opportunity to get familiar with the project's aims and outputs. The event was held twice in the day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and saw the participation of four different groups of people: teachers and students, of ages as young as 15 years old, coming from Hungary, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Germany, Portugal, Greece and many other countries.
The participants, after being briefly introduced to the project, had a chance to view the virtual space prepared as part of the project, before later embarking on a cultural tour around the Gaite of Bevagna. The tour took the groups to visit three out of four of the mestieri of the local gaite, dedicated each to a different craft: the cereria (the candle workshop), the setificio (the silk workshop) and the dipintore (the painting workshop).

Monday, 15 July 2024 11:07

Multiplier Event in Greece

An important Multiplier Event was held on Friday 5/7/2024 at 8:00 p.m. in the courtyard of the Museum-Primary School of Pialia at the initiative of the Municipality of Pyli, Greece, with the title: "The Museum of Pialia in the Digital Age". The event was implemented within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Program "Folk Art and Culture: Offering educational opportunities to young people", in which the Municipality of Pyli participates in the role of coordinator, from 2022. During the event, reference was made to the deliverables of the program. In particular, an introduction was made to the Educational Platform (MOOC) created by the partnership. The platform is available for free to the public. Anyone can attend the educational experience that has been created, making an introduction to Folklore and museum practices. Now and through the program, each partner museum has created its own online Virtual Tour. All Virtual Tours have been posted on a special platform that anyone can easily access in digital time, via their tablet or mobile phone. Virtual tours showcase each museum's folklore collection and, at the same time, are integrated into the Massive Open Online Course to enrich the educational experience.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 11:12

Multiplier Event in Turkey

The event is designed to bring together a series of disciplines' experts for a dialogue fousing on the scope of ""Folk Art And Culture"" project. The venue of the event was the Rezan Has Museum. The event/ seminar was designed as a meeting  at Rezan Has Museum to talk about the subjects of Daily Life, Art and Design as Cultural Heritage, and to exchange views and experiments.
The seminar titled  ""Daily Life, Art and Design as Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age"". From ancient times to the present, everyday life objects and artistic expression have been an important part of folk art and culture. Daily life helps us decipher human nature and ways of thinking through all the objects, systems and visual culture surrounding us. We are expecting everyone who is interested in the subject to the seminar we organized to reconsider the meaning of design objects and works of art from different time periods of the past, and to discuss approaches to the transfer and preservation of objects in museum collections to new generations, especially today, through digital technologies.
The seminar is organized within the scope of the Folk Art and Culture project supported by Erasmus+ fund and in which Kadir Has University is among the project partners. The project aims to explain to the younger generations the advantages of strengthening folk culture and interacting with this culture, and to develop strategies and experiences by equipping the new generations with the skills necessary for the labor market in the cultural sector. For more information about the project, visit https://www.folkart-culture.eu
The seminar will feature Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe E. Coşkun from Kadir Has University Faculty of Art and Design, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe N. Erek, Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection Manager Yavuz Selim Güler, and Rezan Has Museum experts Birce Köksal and Gürkan Çağan as speakers.
A guided tour of Rezan Has Museum was held at the end of the seminar.

Friday, 05 July 2024 08:54

Meeting in Bevagna

During June 2024, the  institution Mercato delle Gaite was hosting its annual competition between the four ""Gaite"" of Bevagna. The competition included a reenactment of mediaval life and workshops like weaving, painting and paper making.
Partners had the chance to exchange good practices, get a close look at the workshops taking place at the village and discuss about the project's progress and activities.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 14:18

Meeting in Iași

"The partners of the project "Folk Art and Culture" met in Iași, Romania between 22-23 April as part of the second transnational meeting.
They had the opportunity to discuss together about the progress of the results that are being developed, about the future steps, but also about the dissemination actions that are being organized.
This time the host of the meeting was the museum complex Palatul Culturii din Iași - Complexul Muzeal Național "Moldova", and specifically the Ethnographic Museum that it houses. The participants also visited the Wine and Vine Museum in the city of Hârlău and participated in a traditional Easter egg dyeing workshop.
#folkart #erasmusplus #culture #adulteducation #learning #museums"

Thursday, 06 June 2024 11:05

Multiplier Event in Romania

”Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, Romania, in its capacity of partner to the Erasmus Plus Project ”Folk Art & Culture: Offering Educational Opportunities to Young Adults”, coordinated by the Municipality of Pyli, Greece, organized a dissemination event to share main project results on 30 May 2024. The event, targeting mainly young people, took place at the Palace of Culture, in the ”Ștefan Procopiu” Hall, starting with 2.00 p.m., and gathered a rather wide audience. The role of the activity was to present to the interested audience the results and experiences gained within the project developed by the Municipality of Pyli in partnership with AKETH – Developmental Centre of Thessaly (Greece), Kadir Has University (Turkey), Mercato delle Gaite (Italy) and ”Moldova” National Museum Complex through the Ethnographic Museum of Moldavia (Romania), focusing mainly on the learning platform and the massive open online course (MOOC), designed so that traditional art and culture may turn into a veritable tool, a reference point, an instrument available for being used by all interested parties but mainly by young adults in vulnerable situations.

Monday, 05 February 2024 10:43

Third Online Meeting

Partners met online on Monday, 29/01/2024 to discuss about the progress of the project.

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